Phase 1 of EnvisionBody's software is complete and our App was submitted to the Apple App Store for approval September 30, 2022 . The day we launch, we will post the exciting news!
The App will be available to scale to consumers through the App Store. There is a White Label version available for enterprise use. We have the ability to run in the background of existing company's Apps or software. Please contact us for more details.
We are a good fit for companies like WW, Peloton, Mirror, and Nutrisystem. Weight loss surgery and liposuction practices will also benefit from our unique software for a deeper customer experience and brand awareness.
Thank you for following our journey. We are very excited to offer EnvisionBody to the public soon. Please keep your messages coming to us through our website. Your constant inquiries about when the App will be available are incredible. We love staying in touch with you! #envisionbody #ai #ml #dl #newinnovation